Wednesday, June 6, 2007



The potential effects of global warming are both serious and complex. Cities are especially vulnerable to these risks. Even a nominal rise in temperatures may be magnified in cities where asphalt and concrete absorb solar radiation, producing heat and increasing air conditioning loads.This could harm human health, decrease local air quality, facilitate the formation of ground level ozone, and create stresses on urban forests. Urban water supply may also be at risk as the potential for more frequent droughts increase. National and state level policies have failed to adequately address these pressing concerns. In 1995, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recognized that human action is altering the natural balance of CO2 and other gases causing changes in the global climate. The IPCC is sponsored by the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization and includes over 2500 scientists from more than 60 countries.
The early effects of global warming are already evident across the United States and worldwide. The past nine years have all been among the 25 warmest for the contiguous United States, a streak unprecedented in the historical record. If emissions are left unchecked, temperatures will continue to rise, and the effects of global warming will become more severe. This report examines trends in U.S. global warming pollution nationally and by state and concludes that the failure to limit emissions nationwide has allowed global warming pollution to grow out of control.In February 2007, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body charged with assessing the scientific record on global warming, found that the evidence of global warming is “unequivocal” and concluded, with more than 90 percent certainty, that human activities are responsible for most of the observed rise in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century. If current trends in emissions continue, the IPCC projects that temperatures will increase anywhere from an additional 1.1° to 6.4°C (2° to 11.5°F). The consequences of this increase in global temperatures will vary from place to place but will include sea level rise, heat waves, drought, increasingly intense tropical storms, loss of plant and animal species, decreased crop yields, decreased water availability, and the spread of infectious diseases.The United States is the largest worldwide contributor to global warming, releasing almost a quarter of the world’s carbon dioxide, the primary global warming pollutant. Power plants, cars, and light trucks are the largest U.S. sources of carbon dioxide.Existing technology could substantially reduce global warming pollution by making power plants and factories more efficient, making cars go farther on a gallon of gasoline, and shifting the country to clean, renewable energy sources, such as wind and solar power. Unfortunately, the U.S. government so far has rejected mandatory limits on global warming pollution, allowing carbon dioxide emissions to rise unabated. Using the most recent state fossil fuel consumption data from the Department of Energy, this report examines trends in carbon dioxide emissions nationally and by state for the 15 years spanning 1990 to 2004. Our major findings include the following: Carbon dioxide pollution is on the rise

Abu Dhabi on its way to first State of the Environment Report

As part of the Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI) - Abu Dhabi Project, the Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) along with its partners and stakeholders, is currently compiling 10 Environmental Sector Papers which will lead to the development. Local and federal government bodies, academia and non-governmental agencies are pulling together to join this effort.The papers, which will be completed by the end of November, are a compilation of the best available knowledge concerning major components of the Emirate's environment. A common framework was developed for the sector papers during a series of workshops held between May and September 2005.The papers revolve around the following themes: "An Overview of the Physical Geography of Abu Dhabi, Marine and Coastal Environment, Terrestrial Habitat and Land Resources, Archaeology and Paleontology - Abu Dhabi, Water Resources, Waste Management and Pollution, Population, Development and Economy.More about the Initiative The Abu Dhabi Global Environmental Data Initiative (AGEDI), the first Arab Type II Partnership Initiative, was launched by the Government of the UAE in 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in Johannesburg. The Environment Agency - Abu Dhabi (EAD) was designated the lead agency.

The causes and effects of Global Warming

Global warming is the result of several causes. In the following I am going to look at the various reasons that have led to this development. The first point worth mentioning is carbon dioxide emitted from cars heats up the atmosphere. A further point to consider in the greenhouse. This greenhouse is one of the major causes for global warming. The greenhouse increases the temperature in the earth. Another reason is the factories, because of the gases and pollution that came out from factories are damaging the Ozone layer. The amount of CO2 in the earth’s atmosphere has increased by 31% in the past 100 years. Yet another reason is Large areas of forest are cut down by logging companies. The rise in world temperatures will result in changes to animal habitats. Tropical species are likely to appear in Europe and North America.

What is Global Warming?

It is a problem that what the human made it for the environment. All the studies show that the inventions that the man made, it’s just producing pollutions. For example, the factories, the cars and the AC’s. Some people are saying that the global warming is because the nature disasters like volcanoes and the earthquakes. Scientists are saying that if they don’t stop polluting the earth, the results in the future will be harmful for the next generations. The reason to worry about the Global Warming is the disasters that happening every year in the world like Tsunami waves and Katrina Tornado. For the last records, maybe 2007 are going to be the hottest year. So that means a problem for the environment.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Personal Profile

My name is Ali Hussain Al-Kaabi. I'm from the United Arab Emirates, I was born in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the UAE. I have spent my life living in Abu Dhabi, I learnt and studied in Abu Dhabi. I'm 21 years old.

I have family who live in Iran ( my mother's family ) and I went twice in my life and I like driving cars. I like driving Toyota Supra and I have my Honda Accord US Wagon. I like the drift move and I know how to make a drift. I hope that they will make a drift compition in the UAE, especially in Abu Dhabi.

I like my family and I like to travel to far away countries. I know how to swim and dive. Added to that I like weapons, especially swords. I like also to collect and buy nice knives and strong cars. I have wonderful friends inside the college and outside the college. In the main time I study Civil Engineering and I hope to finish studying to work as a civil engineer.

In the following blogs, I'm going to talk about global warming for my project this semester. I hope you all will enjoy this experience with me.
